Exploring Everything About Orthodontic Spacers

Orthodontic treatment involves various tools and techniques to achieve stronger teeth. It helps provide proper alignment to the teeth. There is an instrument called orthodontic spacers, which are also known as orthodontic separators, that are used in the early stages of orthodontic treatments. If you are unaware about the orthodontic spacers, then this article is for you. 

In this article, we will discuss everything that you need to know about orthodontic spacers. If you are in Glen Ridge, then you can also visit any dental practice in Glen Ridge to learn more details about the spacers and how they are used. Meanwhile, let’s begin our discussion and learn about spacers. 

What are Orthodontic Spacers? 

Orthodontic spacers are small metal springs that are placed between the teeth to create a space and facilitate the placement of orthodontic appliances such as retainers and braces. These spacers are mainly used in cases where there is overcrowding of teeth or insufficient space between the teeth for proper alignment. It gently pushes the teeth apart and makes space for orthodontic treatments. It facilitates enough room for bands or other orthodontic treatments that will be placed in the teeth. 

How Do Orthodontic Spacers Work? 

Spacers exert gentle pressure on the teeth, gradually moving them apart and creating a space from the neighboring teeth. It is a slow process, and therefore, it would require weeks or months, depending on the individual’s treatment plan and the amount of space needed for the treatment. Once there is enough space for the orthodontics, the spacers will be removed, and the other orthodontic appliances, such as braces and retainers, will be placed in the teeth. 

What are the Different Types of Orthodontic Spacers? 

There are two primary types of orthodontic spacers, the first of which includes rubber spacers. The rubber spacers are small, elastic rings that are stretched and placed between the teeth. They are most commonly used among the types of spacers. It is considered one of the relatively comfortable orthodontic spacers. 

On the other hand, there are metal spacers, which are small metal devices that may be used if the rubber spacers are not effective or when there is a requirement for a larger space. Metal spacers are less used because they are less comfortable than rubber spacers. 

What to Expect When Getting Spacers? 

It is important to know about the procedure of spacers so that the fear of the unknown is not associated with the treatment. So, let’s understand the basics of what can be expected while getting spacers. 

  • Placement is the first step in which the spacers will be placed quickly and straightforwardly. Orthodontists will use a special tool to put the rubber spacers and carefully place them between your teeth. 
  • It is common to experience some discomfort and initial pain in this process. There might be some soreness after spacers are placed because they push the teeth to create space. 
  • While you are on spacers, you have to make some dietary adjustments, which is very essential to have spacers. It would help if you continued to maintain your oral hygiene by brushing and flossing, but be gentle with the spacer areas. 
  • The duration of the spacer usage will depend on the need for orthodontic treatments. If there is enough space created within weeks, then it will be removed, or it will take some more time. 
  • Once enough space is created, the spacers will be removed, and the orthodontic bands will be placed. The removal process is quick and painless. There might be some pressure while removing it, but it would not be severe. 

So, these are some of the significant things that you must know about the orthodontic spacers. It is a small but essential part of moving ahead with the orthodontic treatment process. There is a minor inconvenience to orthodontic spacers, but they help us have healthier and more beautiful smiles.